Land of the Silver Dragon – Shangrila: The Land of the Silver Dragon Review 

Shangrila is an imaginary place described in the classic 1933 novel Lost Horizon by British writer James Hilton. In the novel, Shangri-La is described as a magical, peaceful valley, nestled at the foot of the majestic Kunlun Mountains, gently edging on to the edge of the Himalayan range. A Chinese elm, called the Sharm ul-Qadim, dominates the center part of the city, which is surrounded by gardens and potted palms. At the western edge, a Buddhist temple, staffed by monks, stands against the backdrop of the mountain.

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In the video game World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King, players take an action – tactical – role in the dynamic world of Azeroth. The Alliance uses the ancient technique of “shangrila” to achieve its goals. “Shanrila” means “the way”. Players can choose to use the path of tranquility or that of battle. The most common way to use shangrila is to enter combat, then use the “blaze of glory” to restore the power of their weapons and become victorious over the opposing faction.

In the Wrath of the Lich King, players will be able to access the “Shangrila Sea View”. The “Shangrila Sea View” is located at the eastern edge of town and can be reached by a boat or flying mount. Inside, the sea is filled with coral, as well as various aquatic plants. Upon entering, the room will shock you with its underwater sights. There is a shipyard at the bottom of the sea, where Horde players can visit their own fishing ship, and Alliance members can check in at the Royal Shambhala.

Once inside the Shambhala, players will be greeted by the gliding Bharatpur Bird named Tuk’tuk the Owl. Tuk’tuk will introduce himself and give them a tour through the Shambhala’s rooms. Players can go through the twelve rooms in order, experiencing each one at a slower speed. A grand entrance was named after the Shambhala’s most famous guest, President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Players are also treated to a rare opportunity to meet World War II’s most notorious villain, Doctor Death. This encounter can only be done at Camp David, which is located in the Waktu district of the Land of the Silver Dragon. The area was devastated during the world war or conflict, and players can return there to pay their respects to Pearl Harbor’s Japanese defenders. After the ceremony, the players can return to their private studios to continue their tale. At Camp David, the story can progress to other areas of Shangrila.

All this and more await players who choose to play as the Dalai Lama in Shangrila: The Land of the Silver Dragon. The game provides an engaging action-packed journey through one of the most unique Tibetan regions. Although it is possible to view all the areas mentioned above, some quests are blocked off until the player visits the location. For example, in Shambhala there is no way to advance from the Valley of the Kings to the Southern Plain without first visiting the ruined capital of Nyingth. Quests and scenery remain consistent, and a great many content are all still present, but the graphics and sound have been refined to make playing the game that much more enjoyable.